What is the trunk or the boot of a car for? For most of us sedate travelers, it's to store stuff. It holds the groceries we got from the mart, or the overflowing bags we packed to take on a road trip. And frankly, each person's trunk belongings are different from the others, depending on the stage they are in their lives. Are they single and home free? Are they a new couple so in love that they are joined at the hip? Or parents, with trunks full of stuff for kids and of kids? Or are they animal lovers who take their pooches and kits everywhere they go?

Just like each car is often individualized and customized to fit unique tastes and requirements; in the same way, the trunk of a car also reflects the owner's needs and choices. Some trunks are modded in a way that they are nearly rendered unusable, while some looks so inviting – one wants to sit in them instead of the seats. People mod their trunks as per their needs, so for a family that loves camping, the obvious solution is to build-in a tent or a bed in the trunk. For the long-drive and music loves, we're guessing the trunk might just be all about woofers.

Here are 20 such unique trunks, for people who love to put their individual stamp on not just their car, but also the boot!

20 Home Entertainment In The Car

Via wikimedia.com

If you are tired of that long road trip you are on and really missing your favourite GoT rerun, this is the car you need. Rather, this is the boot you need in your car. Not only does it come fully equipped with enough sound to wake up a small town, it also comes with a huge screen to watch your favourite show or movie at. This gives a whole new meaning to drive-in theatres. You don't have to drive in anywhere; you basically have to park at a spot where other drivers don't end up careening into you, too distracted to hit the brakes. All you got to do is pop the boot, put up your legs, and turn into a roadside couch potato.

Via pinterest.com

The speakers are a tad strange and risqu̩ if you look at the figure they are mounted on Рand honestly, we do hope this is some sort of a temporary parade customization.

Having this permanently installed in any car will turn it into an eyesore very quickly.

We are sure the speakers in the car make the music sound good, but installing them on the backside of a mannequin sounds a little weird, to say in the least. It's not as if the music sounds better that way, does it? So why is there an, erm, art form involved?

18 A Home On The Road


Forgot to book your favourite log cabin for this summer camp? No problem, meet this nifty van owner who so loves camping, he's turned the back of his van into a small and cozy camper. There's a nice comfy bed piled onto the top of an easy-to-get storage, and a little sink to wash up in and at. So sure, this does mean that you have to step out in the woods to cook your meals and answer nature's call – but at least you do not have to sleep with the creepy-crawlies. Perfect for the camper who loves the outdoors but hates the bugs.

17 For The Perpetually Hungry

Via chaostropic.com

If you are the kind who loves a good home cooked meal, hate eating out, but are on the road pretty often – this nifty car owner's trick should be right up your alley.

The trunk of this guy's car is spacious enough, but is now occupied by a real and working kitchen.

As long as you are not planning to cook for the community, this teensy-tiny kitchen can cook up a good stew, make an omelet and even churn out some cookies (if that is an oven we spot). We are not sure about what the heat will eventually do to the car but mister, if you cannot take the heat – get out of the kitchen, and car!

16 The Responsible Pet Owner

Via mmgguards.com

Considering that evolution did not give dogs any drivable limbs and still tends to make then with paws, dogs are not meant to be in cars. That's probably the reason why many pooches howl and hurl all the way through.

Some dogs like to stick their heads out the window and feel the wind.

We do like what this pet lover has done to the trunk of his car, and that is making his pet's travel infinitely more comfortable than your crated pooch's. The safety cage also means that the pooch will not salivate and dribble all over your car, and this way you can even leave you pooch in the car – with a popped hood.

15 Ready For Outdoor Living

Via fbcbellechasse.com

For all of us who do love camping, pitching out in the open is a lovely place to be at. Maybe not so much for this guy who does love to camp, but in more of an elevated comfort. Enter the pick-up bed tent that you can pitch on your pickup truck bed and camp in the great outdoors in comfort. This is like having your cake and eating it too! You get to enjoy the great outdoors, but don't have to camp on the uncomfortable, hard and insect-infested forest ground. This kind of a "trunk" gives you a safe haven to sleep in while enjoying the fresh air and starry skies.

14 Extreme Organization

Via ebay.com

Some of us are very much like Monica from the sitcom Friends – we are storage freaks and need that the boot of our car deliver what we need, when we need and were we need it at.

Enter this Nissan X-Trail trunk organizer that comes with two nifty drawers to satisfy anyone who likes order and neatness.

So not only can you keep the heavier and bigger stuff on top of the drawers, you can organize the smaller stuff that tends to get wedged into corners and tight spots inside those very handy drawers. How's that for the neat little perfectionist soul of yours? Though we wouldn't advise you leave the car keys in there!

13 The Boxy Fox Boot

Via midwestfirebirds.com

We are not sure what this is. It looks like a very nice lined box, but frankly, closer to the inside of a coffin than a boot. So if we had a friend with a car boot like this, we'd be very wary of taking a ride. Not sure what the cushioning is there for unless this trunk has been customized for someone who makes it a habit to lug around precious and breakable cargo for a living. Even then, most people would use packing peanuts, right? Not customize their boot to heights of creepiness that we don't even want to put a bag in, lest it went to heaven.

12 Luxurious And Handy

Via cars.co.za

Some cars, the kind that cost you about the price of a house, come equipped with the best of the best in luxury, comfort and style. Like the boot of this Bentley customized by Bentley's in-house workshop Mulliner.

This is like the holy grail of all trunk configurations.

Notice the carefully constructed trays and drawers to hold all that you need in comfort and luxury. This is the epitome of high tea on the road, because every snack break you take to dig into the goodies in the trunk will only bring home the good life to you. And do we spot some fishing stuff as well?

11 For Those Who Like It Low

Via lowrider.com

The techno-geeky, hard to figure out apparatus in this picture are the hydraulics involved in a low rider, meaning a donk. Most donks do not eliminate their trunk like this though. In fact for most low riders, the hydraulics remain hidden where the hydraulics are supposed to be – and that is underneath the car, out of sight. For this dude, being low slung wasn't enough – he then had to show off his low-riding prowess by totally flooding the trunk of his car with it! Of course, with a low-riding vehicle, you probably can't even put anything in the trunk to begin with.

10 Drawers Everywhere

Via ginkandgasoline.com

Even with the best of pack rats, there's always that one irreplaceable thing one tends to forget on a road trip. Only to discover it wedged in the suitcase somewhere once you are back from the trip! Double whammy, right? If you have these "vaults" in the car, then you can not only arrange everything in their right place, but also have no trouble finding the stuff when the need arises. So it's like having a right place for everything and everything in its right place as well. We could give you the cake adage again but we'll refrain since you do get the picture!

9 The Accessorized-To-Perfection

Via pinterest.com

Hats off to the mom or dad who not only installed these car organizers, but also painstakingly organized all the stuff that needs to be in the car in all those pockets and trays. There is stuff to eat and stuff to clean, diapers and wipes, tissues and sanitizers, umbrellas and cords, and just too much for any normal human to comprehend in one glance.

These are the parents who are always prepared for any kind of situation, emergency or otherwise.

And these are also the kind of people who give mere mortals like us massive complexes and send us off to the mind doctor to regain our mental balance. Sigh.

8 For The Parents Who Need A Break

Via bgr.com

For the parents who really wish to stuff their incessantly chattering and arguing kids in the trunk while on road trips – please buy the Tesla Model S. Why? Because the designers of this electric car and Elon Musk have been kind enough to install rear-facing trunk seats for children in this almost supercar, to give harried parents a little break. How much easier would road trips be when your kids are slightly farther away, don't scream in your ear and are diverted by the sheer thrill of safely riding in the boot of the car – as opposed to being trapped right behind your watchful eyes, and pained ears.

7 Hatchback Proposal

Via pinterest.com

Car trunks don't always have to be staid, stolid and placid you know – luggage isn't the only thing you can put in them. This innovative guy made the best use of his car and its big boot by filing it to the brim with hundreds of roses, chrysanthemums and some more red flowers in a proposal that surely floored his partner. The banner asks "will you marry me?" and it's such a beautiful proposal that only the hardest of hearts could turn it down. While this is something the craft-inclined could do on their own, many floral boutiques are willing to decorate your car trunk proposal for you as well.

6 The Show Must Go On

Via pinterest.com

And we're back to TV screens in car boots – although this one is much more sedate in size that the monstrous screen we saw before. Plus this is built into the trunk cover, along with speakers and amplifiers to really let the sound carry. In case you are getting your kicks watching this screen parked on the side of a busy interstate, that is. We are assuming this TV has Satellite to play favourite shows. Or it is one smart cookie (as in TV) connected to the World Wide Web to stream Netflix or Prime, or any other Smart TV provider that you subscribe to.

Via westsideseattle.com

So how low can you go, was the question asked to this car? And the answer is pretty obvious – with a trunk so loaded with hydraulics and the batteries to power them, it could probably not even drive over a toothpick!

This hydraulic system has eliminated any storage space.

Not from its rear end, at least. Most low riders are slanted. The front is high enough to drive over not-too-rough a road with ease, while the back end often skims the roads, sometimes deliberately throwing up sparks as it goes. Don't ask us why that's a good way to drive, because it isn't. Why ruin a road and a rear bumper just for show?

4 Secret Compartment

Via drivemag.com

Need to carry something you don't want others to know you have on a road trip? Well, how about a secret compartment in the trunk of your car? All you got to do is lift up that boot liner and there you have it – instead of the spare wheel, you've got a secret compartment that can fit a small box or package safely. This is perfect in case you are carrying some extra cash, or have some jewelry a hand with no safe place to keep it. Or how about hiding a gift for the wife, husband or the kids – to be taken out and given when the time is right?

3 Tire Swing

via youtube.com

Call them swangas, swangers, elbows, pokes or just plain ridiculous – the slab culture pokey rims are still alive and well, and apparently very much legal. Don't ask us why though because they are a menace for pedestrians. Plus they can also cause nicks, scraped and dints to your vehicle if you drive too close to a car wearing these outlandish rims. However here, not only is the car wearing four swangas on the four wheels, it seems to have one on the boot as well. This swanga spare is literally blocking the trunk, which means you can't put anything in or our without a few bruises. But hey, YOLO, right?

2 Get Loud

Via pinterest.com

Music is good for the health, and the soul. A terribly loud volume though is not so good for the hearing and the ears. But the dude here doesn't care – he got the rhythm and a completely customized audio setup in the trunk of his car that's loud enough to give passersby tinnitus.

Speakers and woofers from Focal seemed to be the point of this trunk here, and the tape lighting only highlights the fact that this boot is one mean music machine.

This isn't someone who loves road trips because we doubt this boot will hold anything but really loud music.

1 Sleek

Via interstatecustominteriors.com

The clean lines of this boot are inviting enough to sit on, except that we don't know if the customization included cushioning. Most car boots, and we are not talking cars that you need to mortgage your house for, come with rudimentary liners and mats. Not to say they look bad, but they make a boot look like a boot – a place to store stuff in while you travel. This customized upholstery looks way different – in fact, we wouldn't dare to even roll in a suitcase there for fear of dirtying or damaging the pristine beauty of this boot. So what exactly, does the owner do with a trunk like this?